About CutlerMe Anywhere
Perhaps you have explored my page a bit already and are confused why the Etsy and Instagram links seem disconnected from the blog.
Let me explain myself.
Once I gave birth to our child, I left my 9-5. I had a new 24/7. And I still love it; sometimes I roll my eyes and groan, saying, "Why did I leave my job? Where is my break?" and at the same time, I never want to go back. But having some sort of employment outside motherhood and homemaking was always a wish at the back of my mind.
One 2019 day, I had an epiphany. The summer when I was pregnant, I had sewn a few cotton pouches for carrying the eating utensils my husband and I took to work for lunch. It was such a practical thing to have, it saved on disposable bags, and they could be sewn using any fabric design. To me it was a perfect small business idea. And did I mention I love to sew?
I started and have been working on expanding my Etsy shop ever since. I also have Instagram and Facebook pages where I share the creative side of the business, should you be inclined to learn more.
I do not aim to draw in readers just for the sake of increasing traffic to my business sites. The Chemically Engineered Homemaker is where I blog, and I happen to have a small business. You are under no obligation to frequent anything other than what you want.
That being said, I will share about my business inevitably, because it is part of my life and I get to blog about what I want. I am under no obligation to people who choose to visit my blog.